Media, Marketing, PR – 978.925.7746
Media, Marketing, PR – 978.925.7746

About Sarah Bella

“(S)he who writes best, wins.” ~Sarah Bella

Sarah Bella – originally a Bostonian who holds her state motto Live Free or Die in highest regard – holds a B.S. in marketing with a minor in communications from Southern New Hampshire University. She has resided in many other amazing places, but she left her heart in San Francisco. 

With decades of journalism and campaign experience, her political writings focus on policy analysis, public relations, and campaign strategy through the lens of intersectional feminism. She also writes about mental and sexual health, consent and safety, gender, philosophy, science, pop culture, and more, often blending them together into holistic tapestries that present unique perspectives. You can read more at

Analyzing and essentializing complex concepts, sloganeering, copywriting, public speaking, and relationship marketing to niche communities – especially online – are Sarah’s public sector marketing and political campaigning strengths and areas of interest.

She also works as (or has worked as) a freelance writer, photographer, model, podcaster, canvasser, project manager, and communications director. Her DJ/emcee career began in 1997, and she has owned two entertainment businesses. 

She first got involved with politics in 1991 when she was just 12 years old. That year, she joined the campaign of later-Representative Michael Capuano (MA-7) who was running for mayor in her hometown of Somerville, Massachusetts. Starting as a neighborhood canvasser, she eventually went on to become an organizer for many other campaigns, including the lieutenant gubernatorial run of Dorothy Kelly Gay in Massachusetts and the presidential run of John Kerry with the New Hampshire Democratic Party in 2004.

In 2008, she then went to work for the Young Democrats of America to help elect Barack Obama shortly after moving to Orange County, California. With a background in scholastic journalism, she later went to work on local political blogs as a writer, editor, and primary web designer from a center-left perspective.

Sarah is a libertarian socialist promoting a bottom-up free enterprise system that meets our human needs, protects the environment, and prioritizes individual liberties such as bodily autonomy and privacy and property rights.